Experienced counselling support for individuals, couples and families

Psychotherapy can help.

We can't always control what happens to us in life. But we can take charge of how we live it. We can choose how we respond.
Welcome. My name is Carol-Ann Allen and I help transform lives with effective, respectful and engaging psychotherapy. I specialise in working with adults who wish to experience - perhaps for the first time - a sense of well-being, direction, and possibility in their lives, people who want to develop their capacity to create and sustain trusting, loving and lasting relationships.
Psychotherapy can help you respond resourcefully to life, not just react.
My practice of psychotherapy is an active collaboration between you and me. Together, we explore the unspoken thoughts or beliefs that limit your choices or shape your behaviour patterns. We navigate safely through the emotional obstacles that stand between you and your life goals. And we grow and nurture your capacity for emotional resilience and healthy responsiveness. So you can meet the challenges life throws your way, and choose the life you want to live.
Psychotherapy promotes lasting change, and can activate inner resources that will continue to grow and develop long after therapy ends.
In times of personal challenge or emotional distress, it can take a new kind of courage to seek out help. It may be very unfamiliar to find yourself looking to another for help with private worries or concerns. Yet, there are turning points when we all struggle to find our own way through worry or confusion, or conflict, or loss. Seeking professional support and guidance can make a significant difference, and open new opportunities and a new perspective.
Whatever has brought you today to locate my website, I invite you to take a closer look, and I encourage you to contact me with any questions you may have about psychotherapy or my practice.
I welcome this opportunity to work with you.
Further information about my psychotherapy and counselling services is available on this website (please select from the Services menu above). If you would like to schedule an initial appointment, please call my St Kilda office at 03 9041 1456. Or if you would like additional information, you can also use the confidential contact form available on this website to reach me directly now.
Melbourne Psychotherapy Services
St Kilda VIC 3182
03 9041 1456
© 2015 Carol-Ann Allen